
Maria Garibay Blog

Before this year (2019) is over, I want to get some realness out there. Let me start off by explaining how my entrepreneurship lifestyle has been like. I’m sure I’ve made it pretty clear, I aspire to inspire, and entrepreneurship has allowed me to do so much more than just inspire. This year I’ve gotten to learn so much about myself, and for that I thank the crazy challenges 2019 brought!
As you might already know (or not) I decided to share my entrepreneurship journey and hope to inspire/help as many people as I can. Be aware, this entrepreneurship journey of mine hasn’t been all nice, and colorful…


Since the time I decided to chase after my dreams, to follow my passion, and believe in myself without caring what others said or thought, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I come from a hispanic culture where it is very CRAZY for someone to break the traditions, or not follow the “society/traditional beliefs”. (check out my podcast “Insightful Babes” to learn more about traditional beliefs)
You see, I was that one in the family to let go of society/traditional beliefs and pursue my passion/dreams; honestly I don’t regret anything.
Up until this moment, I find myself trying to explain to several people (family, friends, etc;) what being an entrepreneur is really like, but truth is, they don’t all understand, and that’s okay I mean, this is why I’m sharing my journey.
We all have a journey of our own.

The realness of becoming an entrepreneur is that you have to be so self-determined, self-motivated, and constantly be reminding yourself WHY you decided to do what you’re now doing. Most people won’t understand what you do, and gosh has that been one of my challenges. Just like anything else, you’ve got ups and downs with entrepreneurship, and at times you’ll want to give up, but your WHY is your fuel. There’ll be long nights, long days, long weeks, months, and a whole year of different challenges + experiences.. Therefore, you have to make sure to surround yourself with people who will help/inspire you (like minded people). I had to let go of several friendships/people only because they weren’t really inspiring me, empowering me, nor helping me in any way that I needed. THIS is the REALNESS of being an entrepreneur.

I don’t know what it is with people thinking entrepreneurs are just lazy people at home or anywhere… could be that social media has portrayed a wrong picture of what being an entrepreneur really is like that has got people questioning an entrepreneurship lifestyle..
On social media we know that being an entrepreneur is about FREEDOM (time+financially)MAKE MILLIONS TRAVEL SPEND LUXURY LIFESTYLE!!! Entrepreneurship sure is about freedom, there might be some, traveling, brand creating, businesses, networking, social events, fun hobbies etc; just KNOW that there’s plenty of HARD WORK behind all that freedom stuff. Nobody ever sees the behind the scenes of an entrepreneur.
“Everyone sees what they want to see.”

NOW please believe me 😅 … I’m not trying to scare anyone who’s in entrepreneurship or about to start their own entrepreneur journey. I am simply sharing some of the entrepreneur realness, again, I decided to share my entrepreneurship journey, and so far I had to share a bit of the realness. No matter what you decide to do with your life, there’ll always be people judging.
YOU make sure to stay true to yourself, your vision, your dreams + goals! I’m honestly grateful for the challenges 2019 brought along, and 2020 be smelling like success and new opportunities..

If you’ve been planning to become an entrepreneur, GO FOR IT! Don’t be afraid, either way, I’ll be around sharing my journey. FYI please feel free to connect with me if you need some help/inspiring; entrepreneur or not, I aspire to inspire anyone and everyone.
Maria Garibay✨❤️